[AMPS] Conjugate Matching and Efficiency

Billy Ward billydeanward@hotmail.com
Fri, 25 May 2001 16:09:10 -0000

Greetings Jon,

Again, I must admit that I only have time to skim.  There are folks waiting 
to use this computer and I have bout 9 minutes.

At the 3 dB points, half the power that is transmitted at that frequency by 
the source or whatever, gets passed through to the load or whatever is on 
the other side of the filter.

So where does the other 3 dB go?  Is it dissipated?  Hardly.  To understand 
where it goes, one must look at the magnitude of S11 and S22 of the filter.  
At the 3 dB point, the values of S11 and S22 are getting large and all of 
that power is being REFLECTED back towards the source.

I need to study this further and think on it but I have a problem thinking 
that power can just be reflected back to the source and done away with.  It 
has to go somewhere.  If we have a conjugate match at a given frequency--and 
we can only have a CM at one frequency--then the output will be attenuated 
at any other frequency.  Just as we cannot create power, we cannot destroy 
it either. We must dissipate it in a manner that does a job for us such as 
transmitting an rf wave or dissipate it as a loss.

(I believe that this is related to the "law of the conservation of energy".  
It's been years since chemistry so I could be wrong.)

Back to the Tuner instead of the filter:

I have never had the need of thinking this out before but since we are 
discussing the Conjugate Match (rather than a band-pass filter),  if there 
is a loss of 3db which, of course, is at a frequency that is close to but 
removed from the CM point, a portion of but not all of that power will be 
re-reflected toward the load. It would seem that some of it must get by the 
re-reflection point of the tuner to the source and a portion of it should be 
re-reflected to the load.  Does this just continue to go on and on until it 
has made so many trips up and down the feed line that it has dissipated in 
the resistive losses of the line? And what about the part that will get past 
the re-reflection point to the source.  Does it not dissipate in the 
lossiness of the source output impedance.  My main point is that it has to 
go somewhere!  I wish I had more time to spend here but I will take the file 
with me.

Please re-send yesterdays letter to me privately.  I copied it to the 
A-drive and the disk was no good and I have already deleted it from my 
hotmail account.



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