[AMPS] Sucking instead of Blowing

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 30 May 2001 04:52:45 -0700

>>- there is a definite difference
>>in temp. between the side of the valve nearest to the
>>fan and the side furthest away.
>?  Greetings, Chris
>    1.  how did you measure these temperatures?
>    2.  does your amplifier use a split chassis?
>    3.  how tall is the tube?
>    4.  what is the diameter of the fan?
>Also, 'mo air is sometimes not 'mo bettah.
>The guys at Heath obviously took some aerodynamic laws
>and principles into account when designing SB amp cooling
>schemes. As the stream of air is sped up as it passes over
>the tube envelope, a low pressure boundary starts appearing
>between the envelope and the air stream. This is what gives an
>airfoil lift. The wind from the cooling fan must be of such velocity
>as to not cause this separation. If the velocity is too high, the air
>will not be touching the envelope all the way around. This is where
>the "hot spots" and eddys also begin to form, which we also wish
>to avoid.
/\  So, in other words, choose a quiet fan.  

cheers, Phil

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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