[AMPS] Conjugate Matching and Efficiency

Jon Ogden na9d@speakeasy.net
Wed, 30 May 2001 07:11:06 -0500

on 5/30/01 6:52 AM, 2 at 2@vc.net wrote:

>> Possibly a bit unfair, Rich, since the advertising is what pays the bills.
> /\  When George Grammar was QST's tech editor,  he reportedly kept
> advertisers in line.  This seems to have been a major factor in people
> trusting QST ads.  My guess is that if an amplifier being lab-tested for
> a 1950s QST review exhibited intermittent arcing, Grammer would have
> likely have telephoned the manufacturer, described the problem, and, if
> necessary, made them an offer they could not refuse.   In the end,
> everyone would have won.  Customers would have wound up with a more
> stable amplifier.  There would have been fewer warranty-returns, and QST
> would have eventually gained more subscribers and more advertisements.  .
> .  Happy customers are like a snowball rolling down a snowdrift.

Apparently, then, George never saw any intermittent arcing.  Cause if he
did, every amp on the market would now be of a different construction.

QST is still pretty tough on their advertisers.  Until recently, antenna
manufacturers could not publish gain numbers for their antennas.

>> To my mind, the greatest thing abt ARRL is the effort put into defending
> amateur 
>> radio internationally - where it counts. If you've got no frequencies, you've
>> got no amateur radio. They do a poor job of blowing their own trumpet on
> that, 
>> though.
> /\   I have heard this claim for at least 4 decades.  It is spelled out
> in no uncertain terms in the 1955 *Radio Amateur's Handbook*.
> -  A QST staffer told me that the biggest laugher in hamdom is the idea
> that ARRL members think they control the League by voting for ARRL
> Directors.  .  .  Are you familiar with the term "shaking-hands money"?

We don't "control" it but we certainly do have an influence.  I personally
know my new division directory and he is a fantastic fellow.  Does he have
influence at the ARRL?  Sure.  Did I vote for him?  Yes.  Do things go on in
the ARRL outside his control and thereby mine?  Yup.  Same thing happens in
Washinton DC!  Yet I still vote for President and Congress.  Might as well
influence what I can.

I'll agree with Peter that the league does a very good job at defending our
frequencies and representing the interest of US hams worldwide.



Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)



"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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