[AMPS] PVC-antique radios

Jim Bryant kc5vdj@yahoo.com
Sun, 04 Nov 2001 15:03:11 -0600

I'm not really sure...  Could be.  I do know that capacitors in the 1960's and 1970's had the same kind as the Barbie dolls though.

If you see a goopy yellowish substance on the outside of old PVC pipe, then it probably is.

JimMoci@aol.com wrote:

>  >When PVC decomposes, it drips a yellowish substance that is known to 
> cause >sterility in women,
>  >particularly young girls, is a known carcinogen, and may have 
> reproductive >damage to men as well [unproven, but possible, given what
>  >is known].  Please contact Mattel and ask them why Barbie isn't made 
> of PVC >anymore, they will be happy to explain
> Is this the same PVC that my water and drain pipes are made of???????
> Jim

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