[AMPS] Reverse-engineering design plate HV
Jerry Flanders
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 13:12:35 -0500
Thanks. ARRL handbook indicated that blocking capacitor voltage rating
should be about 2x the plate supply, but I didn't know if commercial specs
would agree.
It must have been about 4KV. I have to come up with a supply to power it
with to check it out. I should be able to use the 3500V available in my
AL-1200 to make sure all the amp's components are good before buying PS
components to build a separate supply for it.
Jerry W4UK
At 07:10 AM 11/15/2001 -0800, 2 wrote:
> >
> >In an old 5CX3000A 1.6-32MHz amp I am working on, the plate blocking caps
> >are rated at 8KV. Can I guesstimate from this what plate voltage was
> >intended?
>// Eimac rates the 5cx5000A at 7kV in 24/7 AŘ or FM. 8kV in SSB
>service should be ok. The rated scrren potential is 1000v max. To
>utilize the 5cx5000A's c. 6.5A-pk emissive ability, anode and screen
>potential should be maximal. The 8kVDC blocker-C rating sounds adequate.
> 5kVDC vacuum caps are ok with up to c. 3000v-pk at 32MHZ. This suggests
>that the TMC anode-PS was roughly 4000v. For SSB use, I would consider
>removing the resonant filter -choke, converting to a C-filter, raising
>the screen potential. P-out should then be about one standard 6db S-unit
>better than a SB-220. To run it at c. 1500w, tune it up at full
>throttle - then back down the mic. gain until the anode-I barely wiggles.
> Increase mic. gain as needed to maintain communications.
> >It was made by TMC, presumably to commercial or military specs.
> >
> >If it helps, it has vacuum variable caps in the tank rated at 5KV.
> >
>cheers, Jerry
>- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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