[AMPS] Meter faces...

Ian White, G3SEK Ian White, G3SEK" <g3sek@ifwtech.com
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 08:43:43 +0000

GeorgeM Wrote:

>   While back,...probably in the last year ... I remember seeing an article in
>one of the ham magazines about re-facing meter panels with the help of a
>laser printer!
>   Can somebody route me towards this article. A copy of it will be greatly

I don't have that article, but a friend who repairs and resells RF 
heaters has done a lot of work on this (because the meters are always 
getting damaged). After trying rub-on transfers and various scale 
drawing programs, he concluded that the best way is:

1. Scan-in the existing scale plate at 1:1 (you can even borrow someone 
else's meter to do this).

2. Clean-up and make any alterations using PhotoShop or PaintShop Pro. 
Keep the old scale arc but customize the meter face and replace the 
numbering as required. Both packages allow you to rotate the scale 
numbers to follow the arc.

3. Print at 1:1 on thin, smooth, white paper.

4. Stick to the *rear* of the scale plate - so the old scale doesn't 
show through - using 3M Spray Mount (blue can, allows repositioning). 
The edge marks on the scanned image allow perfect alignment.

Friend says his customers are highly delighted - until they drive a 
forklift truck into the meter... again.

73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                           'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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