[AMPS] Request for Advice Please

Nathan, Kevin KevNathan@DSB.WA.GOV
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 09:17:11 -0800

Hello All,

I would like to begin with a little information.  I have been a ham for 33
years and am totally blind.  While I am aware of good operating practices
and theory, I am not a builder or modifier due to lack of ability to solder,
read diagrams, etc.  I don't have a very good support system right now in
terms of acquiring this kind of assistance.  I can accurately monitor
reflected power through audible methods to tune for flat SWR using my tuner.
Currently, my station consists of an Icom IC-746, a Cushcraft A3 and an 80
meter dipole fed with open wire feeders.  Given this information, I would
like to ask some questions of the group and thank you in advance for your

Currently I am using an Ameritron ALS-600, solid state amplifier.  It is
rated at 600 watts pep or 500 cw.  However, it seems very subject to
variances in antenna tuning and even at the point where my meters show no
reflected power, it sometimes only puts out 250 watts or so.  I can tune for
maximum power on the exciter using the tuner which actually introduces some
reflected power into the system and then the amp will jump up a little.
However, I would like to get away from this slavery to SWR and have a little
more flexibility.  While the no tune feature is nice, I will sacrifice it
for more consistent performance.

I have tentatively sold my amp for $750 so this is the amount within which I
can work--no more.  Now, for my question.  I have the opportunity to pick up
a Kenwood TL-922A bought in 1983 for $450.00 from a local estate sale.  I
have always kind of lusted after this amp.  However, I could pick up a brand
new Ameritron AL-811H for $750 and, I understand I can substitute 572B's for
the 811's at some time to get even better performance.  So given these two
choices, what would you on the list suggest I do?  Any other options I might
be missing for this kind of money?

It would be helpful to me if you could put my home address of
k7rx@earthlink.net in the cc line of your replies so I could refer to this
material at home as well.  Again, thanks for your help and I look forward to
your advice.  73
Kevin, K7RX

Kevin Nathan, Independent Living Coordinator
Dept. of Services for the Blind 
3411 S. Alaska
Seattle, Wa 98118
Voice:  (206) 721-6450
Cell:  (206) 604-4767
Toll Free:  (800) 552-7103
Fax:  (206) 721-6403
Email:  kevnathan@dsb.wa.gov

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/amps
Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com