[AMPS] v's
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 10:22:16 -0800
>I got another infected e-mail this morning, It was the same v-i-r-u-s as the
>last, w32, etc.Ihad it deleted withot even looking at the e-mail. trouble
>is, norton says it can't be repaired so I quarantined them and then deleted
>them. I'm rather thankful for norton so far.!!!!!
> carl / kz5ca
// My guess is that the perpetrator is a Ham who participated here in
the past year or two. Another guess is that it is the same person who
successfully unsubscribed me from AMPS on more than one occasion. --
-- There's usually a tender nerve behind the bull's-eye.
cheers, Carl
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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