[AMPS] SELL: 6m deck components

Ronald Lumachi w2cqm@juno.com
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 21:14:43 -0400

SELL: A 6m component package consisting of the following: Reduced output
Eimac 8877 tested at 1000W output (70%) 1983 date code. Clean, no dents
or discolorations. Shipped in original carton. Grid and idle current
perfect. Includes a Johnson 8877 air system socket w/grid to ground tabs,
HV plate choke for 6m, heavy wall teflon chimney, 180 second  110VAC
solid state delay timer, two (2) 12VDC@10W zener diodes and the 6m tank
coil. $225+ shipping for the entire package. Ron W2CQM/3

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