[AMPS] parts needed for 4cx-250 amp I am building
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 09:47:32 -0700
>Hi Chuck,
> Look up a "Surplus metals" company in your area. We have several here
>in the greater Phoenix area but my favorite is Davis Metals. They usually
>have a good selection of surplus alum or stainless sheet and alum angle
>stock. Add either rivets (not necessarily my favorite buy useful) or
>counter sunk holes and matching bolts (in SS) or "PEM nuts" will build any
>manner of chassis or use it to make a reinforced "Pan" type of
// Amen, Mike. PEM nut photos are on my Web site -- as well as photos
of an amplifier built with PEM nuts.
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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