[Amps] rotten splatter/ IMD vs. Vcc

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Tue, 2 Apr 2002 08:22:30 -0800

>The FT-102 was reviewed in QST - October of 1983.  John has a pretty good
>memory.  3rd and 5th order imd was down 40 db. 
3rd down 40db plus 5th down 40db does not equal ­40db total IMD, which 
would still be over the 40db limit..

>A real sleeper with regard to distortion in rigs with 12 volt finals is the
>Heath SB-104.  Almost all rigs with 12 volt finals have to stretch to get
>-30 db for 3rd order distortion.  The SB-104 (and A model) used a combiner
>and combine two push-pull amplifiers using 60 watt transistors to get 100
>watts total output.  I recall the 3rd order distortion was -38 db.
Clever.  Another solution is switch the 12VDC at c. 100kHz, and use a FWD 
to produce 24VDC.  [Trio-Kenwood TS-700]

cheers, Colin

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 