[Amps] Swan Mark 1 Amplifier Puzzle??
Steve Katz
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 08:10:47 -0700
> I have been going over an old Swan Mark 1 amplifier I
> recently acquired and have found a puzzle.
> There is a 2 amp fuse installed underneath the amp
> that I haven't traced out yet.
> ::I would guess it's a cathode fuse. That it is "blown" is not a good
> sign. Of course, even as a "cathode fuse," it may be wired in the B-
> return of the power supply, and not directly in series with the cathodes
> themselves, and if so, then a power supply problem, exclusive of the
> tubes, would blow it open.
> It is not shown on the
> schematic I have. Anyone out there know what this
> fuse is protecting. Mine is blown and I have a
> ticking sound coming from the amp when I switch to the
> "Operate" position. The tubes are installed now but
> it does the same thing with them out of the amp!! In
> addition the transformer is really loaded down and
> humming in the "Operate" position. This utilizes the
> full HV secondary and increases the voltage. Though
> they all look fine, I suspect a bad electrolytic
> capacitor or two.
> ::Surely if the Mark 1 has its original filter caps, I'd be suspicious of
> them all...this amp's got to be 35 years old or so.
> -WB2WIK/6
> All sounds fine in the "Tune/CW" position. I haven't
> tried to power it up in this position.
> 73,
> Bill
> =====
> Bill Smith KO4NR
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