[Amps] RF Ground for 2nd Floor
Kim Elmore
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:18:43 -0500
In the forseeable future, we may be building a new house. Both my wife and
I have always wanted a two-story home, so we have our chance. Since we are
both professionals, we'll both have our own offices for all our
Stuff. There is some possibility that mine will be on the second floor.
I've never had an installation that was anywhere but the first floor, right
next to a wall with my station ground immediately outside. Hence, I've
never had a ground run longer than about four feet. So, at HF at least,
I've never had an RF grounding problem. But, how best should I handle a
station that's up in the air with no hope of a ground run short enough to
constitute a good RF ground?
Kim Elmore, N5OP
Kim Elmore, Ph.D.
"All of weather is divided into three parts: Yes, No, and Maybe. The
greatest of these is Maybe" The original Latin appears to be garbled.