[Amps] re Band Switch for SB1000 Reply

Rich 2@vc.net
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 05:34:04 -0800

An Ameritron/MFJ AL-80 bandswitch should work and it won't cost a 
smallish fortune.

>Any ideas on where to obtain a bandswitch for the Heathkit SB1000.
>I'm inquiring for a friend in Tacoma, WA
>George W7LFD
>Try here...they have a webpage but i lost the url...
>         Rick   VK3YM
>multi-tech industries, inc.
>P.O. Box 159, 64 South Main St., Marlboro, NJ. 07746
>Tel: (800) 431-3223   Fax: (732) 409-6695   
> Email to    multitech@sprynet.com
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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.