[Amps] Re: Amps digest, Vol 1 #434 - 3 msgs
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:07:46 EST
On the comments of K1UM yaesu ft 1000 is not the best radio out here (wake
i'm not a serious contester like you said you are!!. but i will be out here
doing my best with my icom 746 qrp most of the time on cw digital and ssb
doing my share of contesting. is weird how i don't have you in my contest
logs? wich date back to 1985.
well i guest i keep missing you. hope to work you soon maybe on cw my
by the way kenneth a big expensive radio does not make a good operator. but a
good operator will make any radio good. a famous quote that maybe you have
not read in any manual, 73 de WO2E Pete.
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