[Amps] K8CPA
Mike Switzer
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 09:07:01 -0500
I am sorry if I seem a little naive but what is your point Chuck? I
have been a ham for a little more than 24 hrs and have had quite a few
rigs. I have in the past owned Ten Tec transceivers and been satisfied
with each one. The specs on this new radio sound great it has features
I would be interested in seeing on my present radio, and is priced
lower. Is it that you don't think Ten Tec or US engineers are not
capable of designing a completive radio? How about waiting until the
major contest stations have a chance to critique the new box. Then
perhaps you can get your wish and condemn it as no good. I kind of doubt
that you will however. It would appear Ten Tec has quite a large bet on
the table with this one.
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