[AMPS] refurbish and upgrade

skipp isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 22:01:30 -0800

re: SB -220 "restoration"
> From: Rich... <2@mail.vcnet.com>
�  A "complete restoration" means removing:
A poor initial choice of words, maybe repair as needed, 
refurbish and upgrade with "current amplifier technology," 
an often hotly debated topic on amps. 
> 1.  the step-start mod... [snip]
I do like a step start and have them in many amplifiers, I've 
not experienced power switch failures in SB-220's and 
I have many and have worked on many. I was not 
aware that it was a significant problem for the switch. 
I like the step start to ease the filter bank back to normal 
operating potentials. 
> 2.  lower VHF -Q suppressors... [snip]
I'm using a modified version of your basic design. Never 
had an amplifier "go poof" with your or my suppressors 
on board.  
3.  the high speed switching mod... [snip] 
I most often use a different approach to keep the 
original relays in operation and not hot switch. 
Various options are possible...
4.  the glitch protection... [snip]
Should be added to any stock amplifier and left in 
place. I would not remove any of said properly done. 
I have found well intended mods which were so 
poorly done, I've had to replace them, but glitch and 
failure protection are a must have. 

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