[AMPS] Chassis

Jim Strohm jstrohm@texas.net
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:06:19 -0600

R. L. Measures, AG6K adds --

>   Add a little potassium perchlorate for some extra kick.

A man after my own heart, and one whose two cents' worth goes even farther
than my own!

I forgot to mention using a saber saw on aluminum -- it works nicely,
perhaps better than anything else in the usual home workshop arsenal of
tools of mass destruction.

I don't like how a saber saw makes marks on the work surface with its foot
-- you can protect against this with a layer of thick cardboard the same
size as the aluminum, taped securely at the edges of the work piece.

And of course, a nibble notcher is a useful tool, but very tedious for
making large openings.

Best tool?

a 6-axis CNC vertical mill with automatic tool changing.  I'll be sure to
let everybody know when I get one, and you can mail me your projects and a
diskette containing the milling instructions.   ;)

Happy New Year, one and all.


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