[AMPS] Re: Bickering

Will k6ndv@contesting.com
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 05:08:42 -0800

Hey now, I said NO MORE!
Why do you have to bring it up again?
Again NO MORE.
Please don't reply it is done and over.
Thanks a bunch.
73 Will,  K6NDV
AMPS reflector administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-amps@contesting.com [mailto:owner-amps@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of KB6LWN - Bruce
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 1:09 AM
To: Ralph Parker
Subject: [AMPS] Re: Bickering

Well, Ralph...

I guess you can see by now, that it's not going
to change.  Ignorance and inconsideration remains
when folks like (to name just a few):

Jimmy Jones
Rick Bullon
Steve Thompson
Traian - YO9FXS
Michael Watts

reply to a message, they don't seem to give a damn
about anyone else.  I think Phil (VA3UX) actually
did some editing on the quote before sending the
message off, but the rest of them ?  Not a chance!
Quite a few didn't even bother to delete the trailer
but included that in their quote, like we all need
to see the trailer 2 or 3 more times in each post.

An ignorant person learns from their mistakes and
changes their ways, a STUPID person thinks nothing of
it and continues on their merry way, never changing.

I guess we have some very STUPID people out here.
But that's not a real big surprize, is it !? :)

Ralph:  I've sent this to you c/o the list, so you
        wouldn't end up with several copies of it.


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