[Amps] TL922A Band Switch
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 15:22:05 -0700
>I'm looking for a replacement band wafer switch for the TL922a.
Trio-Kenwood still sells the bandswitch for c. $80. There is an article
on my Web site that addresses bandswitch arcing in the 922. See Figure
>As you
>know there are 2 parts to the assembly and I'm looking for either the
>complete switch or the rear assembly. For clarification I've included a
>picture of the repaired item showing the new "Tufnol" shaft which, I feel
>will not suffice.
A 922 bandswitch should be able to withstand 5000vdc across open contacts
at sea level.
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,