[Amps] 4CX250 IMD

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 15:33:49 -0700

>> Compared to poor regulation, yes.  Compared to a well-engineered zener
>> shunt screen regulator, probably not a significant improvement.  To
>> arrive at good linearity with a 4cx250B/R/BC/7203, load for less screen
>> current, use maximal anode supply V. and add c. 5-ohms of RF-NFB R in the
>> cathode (Rk).  See Fig 10 on my Web site.
>> >G3SEK is vacationing in the states at the moment, but he gets significant
>> >improvement in IMD suppression with the tube by holding the screens
>> >millivolts using active regulation.
>You might take a look at his website, he compares the active regulator to
>the active regulator with an 150 ohm series resistor to raise the impedance
>of the regulation, (Probably no worse than the Z of VR tubes or zeners) and
>a zener string with 100 uF to stabilize the transients (By far the worst of
>the three tests). 

**  Would you trust a stock buy recommend from a brokerage that gave 
salesmen a commission on stock sold?  

>These were actually done with voice modulation and a hold
>Spectrum Analyzer and done by GW4FRX. I use it on a 4CX1500B and exceed the
>Eimac specs for the tube. (Two tone, I can't do the same test that FRX can
** A two-tone imd test is about as useful for evaluating splatter as 
teats on a boar hog. 

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 