[Amps] toroid
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 08:01:41 -0700
One can tell by tapping the core with a screwdriver. Ferrites are hard
like glass or ceramic, and they make a tink when tapped. Powdered iron
is softer. Also, some ferrites have resistance and powdered iron does
- This toroid is part of a "neutralization" scheem that someone [Mr.
Rauch?] at MFJ/Ameritron came up with to supposedly neutralize HF/MF
grounded-grid amplifiers at VHF. If you have an inquiring mind. measure
the values used in the neutralization circuit and see if they make any
sense to you. If Mr. Rauch has not got you killfiled, you could ask him
to explain how it works. Good luck.
- A friend owns two AL-1200s. The older one is not "neutralized". It
is reportedly less squirrely than the newer, neutralized version.
- Heath and Gonset built two, G-G amplifiers with "neutralization"
scheems. Both were somewhat less than stable. Heath never sold another
neutralized G-G amplifier.
cheers, Carl
> I have a toroid here which came from an AL811H amp. It was used in what
>appears to be an rf feedback ckt.
> It is about 2 3/8 in. OD. and about 1 1/4 in. ID.and about 1/2 in. thick.
>Dark gray to black color.
> Can anyone tell me if this is iron or ferrite ?? thanks for any help !!
> carl / kz5ca
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,