[Amps] Design around an 8938 for 432MHz, circa 1980?
Harry Brown
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:10:01 -0400
The amplifier was also in the 22nd edition of Bill Orr's Radio Handbook.
It's on pages 22.125 thru 22.132.
73, Harry, W3IIT
At 03:36 PM 7/21/02 +0000, Steve Thompson wrote:
>On Sunday 21 July 2002 13:54, Einar Persson wrote:
> > Hi all
> > Anyone familiar with this 432MHz amplifier model, built around 1980?
> > The tube is a 3CX1500C7/8938 and it is a stripline type amplifier,
> > similar to the one
> > described by K1FO in the ARRL UHF/SHF book, but this one has slightly
> > different
> > sizes on the box/stripline and a different input circuit.
> > The stripline is made of thick (3.2mm) circuit board material and the
> > plate tuning capacitor
> > is only one "flapper".
> > Is there anyone who knows where I can find the description of this
> > amplifier design?
>I have a copy of an article by Tony Souza, W3HMU, that matches your
>description. It comes from Ham Radio, June 1977.
>I can send you a copy (contact me directly) or I can scan it and put it on a
>web page if there's general interest.
>Amps mailing list
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