[Amps] Magic Meter Shunts...
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 15:22:21 -0700
DMMs typically supply minimal current on ohms function. DMMS can also
determine fS sensitivity as well as meter calibration accuracy.
>>I have a bunch of NOS meters I've collected over time.
>>I'd like to use them in a new 6m amp I'm putting together, so I need to
>>make some shunts...
>>Anyone know of a procedure where I can determine the internal resistance
>>without damaging the meter movement? or, am i SOL? Some are uA meters,
>>some volts and some watts -- so who knows what the intended range was.
>>Gerry, W1VE
>For current just compare to a known good meter. They are in series, right?
>For voltage just compare to a known good meter. Use both series and
>parallel here. It is a do-it-yourself hootenanny!
>The accuracy you achieve will depend upon the standard meters you use. The
>nice ones have those mirrored scales.
>Bill K2AME
>Amps mailing list
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,