[Amps] Re: diode strings...bias

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 05:42:18 -0700

>I  got  the  same  results  as  Rich  did,  varying  the  current from 100ma
>to  1.2A     Also  tried   40ma  to  800ma,   and  also   350ma  to  3A.
>regulation  was  in  the  order  of  abt  14%.    Got  the  same  results
>whether  using  1N5408's   or  using  6A10's.   The  6A10's  are  rated  at
>1kv-6A-400A  surge,  and  are  double  the  diam  of  a  5408.  Same  length
>and  wire  leads.
>I  also  tried  sticking  a 1000 uf - 50v  rubycom  electrolytic  across
>the  entire  string.  The  DYNAMIC   reg  was  then  WAY  less  than  14%
>on  ssb/cw.
>6A  @ .8V =  4.8 Watts.    Hot  as  hell  if  CCS.
** Yeah, but how many guys run a 3cx10,000A7/8160.   However, with the 
airflow required to cool one of those suckers, the cathode bias diodes 
would run way cooler.  [an 8160 with 10kV DC on the anode drives quite 
nicely with a pair of 3-500Zs]

>I  use  10  x  1N5408's  with  a  1000  uf   50V  lytic  in  all  my  3  x
>L4B's.    The  drake  L4B  ran  zero  bias  (240ma  idle on ssb
>position-2600V)   This  mod  dropped  the  idle  down  to 100Ma  on  ssb,
>and  40Ma  on  CW(1900V)    I  used  a  3  position  center  off  toggle,
>spdt-center  off  to  give  me  3  positions  of  bias.
** 150mA of ZSAC is mo'  betta for 2, 3-500Zs on SSB.  

>Funny,  with  40ma  of  idle  on  1900v  cw  position,  zero  imd  results,

**There is never, ever any imd on CW.  

>as  measured  1/2  mile  away  on  ssb.   Drive  requirements  went  up   by
>6-8  watts.
>Also  tried  grounding  with  some  strap,  just  ONE  grid  pin  of  each
>3-500Z.    Drive  requirements  dropped  on  all  bands  by  20  watts.
>Drake  had  used  3  x 200pf  caps  +  1  choke  on  each  tube  socket.
>Heath  later  copied  same  ckt.     I  mentioned  this  to  my  buddies
>with  TL-922's  +  SB-220/  SB-221's.
**  3, 200pF caps to bypass a 3-500Z grid is not enough below c. 20MHz.  
>1800pF is better.   //   I wonder what Bill Orr was thinking when he came up 
with the idea of a 600pF grid-bypass?  Maybe he wasn't?

>They  also  tried  the  grounding  just  one   grid  pin  of  each socket
>and  all  reported   the  same  20w  reducrion  in  drive  power.   The
>fellows  with  the  SB-221's  also  reported  that  their  output  power  on
>10M  shot  up  from 700-800  watts  to 1350-1400 !!  
>The  fellows  with  the  TL-922's  reported  that  they  could  now  remove
>the  AG6K  nichrome  suppressors,  and  the  TL-922's   were   now  rock
>On  the  big  metal  triodes, 

**  The 3cx1000A7 perhaps?

> I  use  a  12  position  rotary  switch  and
>50  x 6A10's  +  1  lytic  across  the  entire  mess.  I  tap  right  after
>diode  #10,  then  every  3rd  diode  after  that.
>Question  is,  what  is    the optimum  value  of  the  electrolytic  to  be
>used  across  the  entire  string  ???   

**  A 1F electrolytic makes virtually zero difference since the bias V 
moves little with no cap.. 

>    I  have  only  tried  just the
>1000uf - 50V  unit. 
>Would  10,000  uf  buy  me  anything  ??    

** bragging rights to use on 11m only?

>    I'm  wondering  about   the
>esr/temp  rating/capacitance  value/voltage  rating/current  rating  of  the
>ideal cap  to  be  used.
>A  string  of  either  5408's  or  6A10's  are  bullet  proof.     These
>days  I  just  buy  6A10's  by  the  bucket  load.    I  use  em  in  the
>HV  supplies  and  also  meter  protection  ckts  etc.   2-3  in  parallel,
>all  pointed  same  way,  between  chassis  and  B-   ensures  no
>You  can  post  any  or  all  of  this  note  if  you  like.    Looking
>forward  to  any  comments  or  suggestions.  
>Thanks  fellows
>Jim  Thomson   VE7RF
great call, Jim

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 