[Amps] Too much filtering

Lynn no9z@soltec.net
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 09:48:26 -0600


     Interesting discussion on glitch resistors...
    I have a HV ps with 10   1800 uf  @ 450 volt filter caps.     So I
am assuming that the total capacitance for the B+ is  180UF

    I am using a variac to bring the HV up to 3000 vdc slowly.  Is this
too much capacitance for a stepstart circuit?   Diodes are  2  k2aw in
parallel in each leg of
a centertapped configuration.  The transformer is capable of at least 1

   I am using a 50 ohm 50 watt wirewound for protection after the

Lynn, NO9Z