[Amps] al-1200 (or other) question

Jim Strohm jstrohm@texas.net
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 15:34:10 -0600

"Steve Litwins" <litwins@badsector.com> asks--

>Has anybody ever tried to tune an al-1200 or an lk-500z on 30 meters, 10
>Mhz?  Easy guys...this is a legit question.  I know abt the 200 w pwr limit
>etc.  I use an MP.  100 watts on 30m leaves me in the pile sometimes for
>hours.  It occurred to me that if I cld drive one of my amps on 30 meters, I
>cld maybe get 200 watts and that 3db might shorten the length of time spent
>in 30 meter piles.  I have a very good antenna for 30 meters, several in
>fact, so other than investing in a routable array for 30m, I probably will
>not get too mny dbs extra from the antenna farm.
>There may be other suggestions here as well...so fire away guys, pse let me
>know what u think on this...73/dx

What's your input power?

QST had a couple of articles about a Class E amp using switching FETs that
was a perfect match for 30 m.  The cool thing is -- it could be built outta
PC power supply junk with a little ingenuity.  No need to hork around with
a potentially explosive tube amp.

Reference on request, extreme begging gets copies -- or gets me to scan 'em
and post.  I have more than just the QST article.


And -- I will add that the articles indicated this might work for FM, and
the transistors might go to 30 MHz.  You know how crappy a Class C amp
ounds on SSB or AM -- a Class E is even worse.  Couple that with the
unfortunate fact that you can build these amps and connect them directly to
line voltage with just a single rectifier and a 40 uF cap for a power
supply -- the proper name should be something like "Darwin's Class E
Evolution in Action Amp."