[Amps] Source for 220V cords --Thanks

Steve Katz stevek@jmr.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:58:14 -0800

> >
> >The GFCI breaker suggestion seems to make a great deal of sense.
> >
> EUR  ... and they usually help to reduce TVI too because when the
> amplifier 
> makes mo' RF, the 240v switches off.
> >
> ::Yep, that's what I've found, also.  GFI circuit breakers are a great
> wallet-lightener, since they cost about 10x standard circuit breakers, and
> they definitely help reduce interference due to the interesting "RF and
> GFI breakers don't mix" effect.  I think that's called RF&GFIBDM,
> technically.  I've found that to be the case, which is why I don't even
> think about GFI breakers.  And I'm still alive, after not using them for
> 37 years.  Imagine that.
> cheerz, Randy 
> -  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 
> www.vcnet.com/measures.  
> end
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