[Amps] 10 Meters

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 18:37:01 -0800

>I am sorry, this goes beyond the normal focus on this reflector, butr I can 
>not let it pass.
>Someone said:
>> -And why, oh why, do DX stations who can barely speak English use phonetics
>> they cannot pronounce?  It's really funny.  The French stations who use
>> "Florida," a word that is nearly impossible to pronounce for them, instead
>> of "France," which ought to be an easy one.  
>Well my friend, maybe he is trying to make things easier for you, looking 
>some phonetics from your cultural background.
>Don't laugh at someone who goes a step towards you. How many times did you 
>try to use some phonetics in french?
€  English pronunciation is not as easy as most Anglophones think.  In 
Spanish, there are several dozen sounds.  In English, there are over 80 
dozen sounds --  except in Texas, of course.
cheers, Marcelo

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 