[Amps] 10 Meters
Steve Thompson
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 07:38:24 -0000
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Katz <stevek@jmr.com>
To: 'n8de@thepoint.net' <n8de@thepoint.net>
Cc: 'Marcelo ' <marcelo@alternex.com.br>; amps@contesting.com
Date: 13 March 2002 00:20
Subject: RE: [Amps] 10 Meters
>Good point. I do recognize that the majority of JA's actually use "Japan
>America..." and it sure gets through, despite being six syllables.
When dealing with marginal signals in vhf contests, I usually find that
extra syllables in the phonetics work better. I think the regular phonetics
derive from military use, and are designed to be unambiguous on a clear
link. Too many sound alike to be optimum under weak conditions.