[Amps] Henry 2KD Classic

w4nul@brightok.net w4nul@brightok.net
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:29:27 -0000

While I had the 2KD Classic opened up for other work I decided to 
look at the HV supply. I thought that the caps and resistors were a 
little on the weak side from all that I have seen here. I wonder if 
anyone would care to suggest better cap and resistors for it?

At present is has 8 ea 180MFD 450VDC caps and wirewound 20K Ohm 20 
watt 5% resistors.

They still seem to be working ok but I notice that when turned on the 
voltage comes up to about 1800 Volt in the CW position and then 
slowly raises to about 2200 Volts. In the ssb position it comes up to 
about 2900 volts and the over a period of about 1 min it comes up to 
3200 volts. Due to this I would like to replace them and save myself 
trouble down the road

Thanks for any suggestions.
