[Amps] Henry 2KD Classic
Alek Petkovic
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 07:10:39 +0800
G'day Bob,
You might check the voltage divider resistor network in the hv metering
circuit. The resistors may be getting tired and changing value as they warm
up a bit thus giving you those variations in the readings.
73, Alek,
At 01:29 PM 21-03-02 +0000, you wrote:
>While I had the 2KD Classic opened up for other work I decided to
>look at the HV supply. I thought that the caps and resistors were a
>little on the weak side from all that I have seen here. I wonder if
>anyone would care to suggest better cap and resistors for it?
>At present is has 8 ea 180MFD 450VDC caps and wirewound 20K Ohm 20
>watt 5% resistors.
>They still seem to be working ok but I notice that when turned on the
>voltage comes up to about 1800 Volt in the CW position and then
>slowly raises to about 2200 Volts. In the ssb position it comes up to
>about 2900 volts and the over a period of about 1 min it comes up to
>3200 volts. Due to this I would like to replace them and save myself
>trouble down the road
>Thanks for any suggestions.
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