[Amps] Re: HV Voltmeters
David & Wendy Dodds
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:10:40 +0000
Many thanks to everyone who answered my post - there were a heck of a lot of you! Good to know there are so many people around who are prepared to help!
It looks like the best solution is to change the meter for a 1mA one.
I thought the meter value seemed high, but some of the parts for the PSU came from an old PSU I bought off a ham who was giving up and he had used a 500mA meter to measure the HT voltage, so I guessed my 100mA one was ok! I should have realised from all the dodgy construction practices I found when I dismantled his psu that I shouldn't base anything on his judgement!!! We live and learn!
73 de David GM4WLL
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