[Amps] SB-220 WARC bands

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:05:33 -0500

> > €  Or wishful thinking.  Furthermore, the accuracy of any RF
> > wattmeter is dependant on the measured resistance of the
> > termination.  If a wattmeter is calibrated for 50‡ and the
> > termination is 87‡, the wattmeter will provide a reading that has no
> > basis in reality.
> If the feedline and meter have the same Zo and the sampling system has
> sufficient directivity, the meter will show the forward and reflected
> power accurately, even if the termination is not Zo. The difference
> between forward and reflected power is either heating the feeder or
> radiated.

That's absolutely correct with the Bird Steve. To read true power 
into a somewhat reasonably mismatched load (say under 3:1 SWR 
or so), you simply subtract reflected power from forward power.

73, Tom W8JI