[Amps] P600M diodes in HT supplies

EVonvaltie@aol.com EVonvaltie@aol.com
Fri, 3 May 2002 15:31:02 EDT

What reasoning leads you to believe that these diodes (fast recovery) do or 
don't need 'equalizing' R's or C's any more or less than standard recovery 

I have always been skeptical of this anyway. I think it originated back in 
the early days of Si diodes when things were several generations back in 
semiconductor design. In particular, the early diodes had horrendously high 
leakage compared to todays, enough to guarantee more than a few ua. of 
Ireverse at full PIV.

I have the two following facts (not opinions, please note) to offer:

       1. I have not bothered with R/C equalization for over 20 years

       2. I have not blown a rectifier for over 20 years, even during some 
serious condx
           of short or low-R on B+ line. I have used strings of 4007's and 
5408's in
           supplies up to 4 or 5 KV.

If we are going to still cling to this old bit of folk lore, let's see 
someone formulate a cogent argument in support thereof. Let the hand wavers 
go work on cross-field antenna design.

Eric von Valtier K8LV

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