[Amps] HARRIS RF110
Phil Clements
Thu, 9 May 2002 12:15:03 -0500
Subject: [Amps] HARRIS RF110
Hi Gang!!!
I want amke a modification on my harris RF110a to use it with full power ( 2 x
Any guy have experience with it????
Many Thanks, 73s
I do not push my RF-110's past 1500 watts due to the many door knob
caps in the tank circuit. There is an RF current limit on these items. Also,
the tank coils are not really large enough to go much past 2 kw or so.
Also, if you appempt to increase the HV, you will need to replace all the
bypass disk ceramic caps in the HV line with more robust units. (the ones
at the base of the plate choke)
These amps were designed for 1000 watts all mode no time limit
2-30 mhz no-tune with super reliability and a super clean signal.
They will run as is in amateur service @ 1500 watts with no problems.
The tank can be easily adjusted to cover down to 1.8 mhz.
Phil, K5PC
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