[Amps] HARRIS RF110
Fri, 10 May 2002 12:19:26 +0300
I have two RF-110A for restoration now, one is almost ready.
Due to unknown conditions of the output tuned circuits, I got
them out for check. One have a overheated coil (the wire
coating color is darkened but seems ok), and the other had a
defective switch collector contact (and sign of little burn on it)
and low spring tension/force on some other contacts
(problems were solved).
I was surprised to find such little sized coils and switches in
a military product (the switches seems that have no silver
contacts and the wafers are not ceramic as we are used to
have in our power amps), but the final tank is forced air
cooled (have few holes, to the pressurized blower
compartment underneath).
I took some pictures of it, including the output circuits,
if anyone interested, please let me know.
Anyway, it will produce 1 kW out all day long if the
output circuits are ok and even more for regular SSB use
(when I adjusted the PPC circuit for the first time, the
meter was reading to full scale, over 1500 out,
with no trouble).
Depends on what you mean by "full power".
The 4CX1500B is rated 1100W at 2900V for that
specified low level IMD, but you may get higher out
for the 1500W dissipation with corresponding increase
for the IMD level.
In my opinion, for getting the over 2000 out RTTY, will have
to remove the output circuits block and to replace it with a
more robust (Pi or Pi-L) circuit using vacuum variable C
(because not very much space to play there) and to use a
higher B+ voltage (first replace the anode decoupling 3 kV
rated ceramic disc capacitors from the anode compartment).
Maybe to much work to do for loosing the remote/wideband
tuning capability (very interesting for me because getting out
of high noise level) and for gaining those 2 or 3 dB's...
All the Best,
Walter Gomes Filho - PP5WG wrote:
> Hi Gang!!!
> I want amke a modification on my harris RF110a to use it with full power ( 2 x 4cx1500).
> Any guy have experience with it????
> Many Thanks, 73s
> Walter
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