[Amps] Power ratings N/BNC/SO239?
Sun, 10 Nov 2002 06:29:19 -0800
This depends on the mode and frequency. SSB causes considerably less I^2
x R heating in conductors than RTTY. For years, when jammed, I ran 14 on
40m with Type-N connectors, sans-grief. By accident, I ran 6 to Type-BNC
on 160m - again, 'no-problema'. With a DC hi-pot, either Typs N or BNC
break down at c. 4kV -- which @50-ohms is a whole bunch.
Type C breaks down at over 5kV, and it has lower-R contacts than the
above. It is bayonet-mount for easy on/off.
Type-UHF needs drain holes cut in the coax jacket to let rain water out.
For >15k out, Type-7/16 DIN is in.
>Hi folks!
>Anyone knowing the power handling capabilities for
>Assuming a resistive load..Only HF-band (Max 30MHz)
>Anyone capable of giving a swift answer on any of the above connectors?
>Life is too short for QRP -- Speak softly, and run a BIG amp!
>Amps mailing list
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.