[Amps] Hot Switching

Skram, Helge (MED) helge.skram@med.ge.com
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 16:09:29 +0100

Re hot switching of RF-relays, I think it is a real problem, confirmed by
own measurements.
Modern tranceiver put our RF too fast for most relays. It may help but is
not cured by switching RF relays directly by the PTT.  

A solution for SSB may be to connect the microphone PTT to the PA and with
extra set or relay 
contacts or extra relay (slow) close the PTT in the Tranceiver. Then there
will be no hot switching. 

For CW, the keyer must have a "VOX" relay to close the PTT in PA, that
controls the transceiver.
QSK can not be used.

This solution will work on VHF/UHF where QSK is not used.

Helge Skram