[Amps] more on the HFS1000G RFPP amplifier

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 17:35:42 -0600

> >The choke input supply bounces as we sweep the rf drive with our
> >network analyzer, and this can be seen at the beginning of the sweep
> >as a little hickup. Going to Cap filtering only would improve this,
> >although step start would be required as well as an appropiate 5-20
> >ohm series resistance to the tube to limit energy in case of a flash
> >over somewhere.

There is a nice 10 ohm 100 watt glitch resistor already in the power
supply box, John. Also there is electronic current sensing on the
cathode line. Either of these will pop the 20 amp breakers nicely.

Phil, K5PC