[Amps] Transformer help

David & Wendy Dodds gm4wll@talisman41.freeserve.co.uk
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 17:24:25 +0000


I have a commercial 144MHz amp I bought 2nd-hand for fun - it's very simple stuff - a single QQV06-40. It blows the mains fuse as soon as it's powered up and, as there are no obvious shorts I assume this means the transformer is u/s.

How do I confirm this? There is a very small resistance, a few Ohms on the primary, but I've no idea what it should read. 

If it is u/s I take it that's curtains for the amp as it's an old design and I doubt if I can source a replacement transformer of the correct dimensions to fit the case. Can old trannies be rewound or is that crazy talk?

73 es tnx

de David GM4WLL

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