[Amps] Transformer help
jeff millar
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 12:37:57 -0500
If you're lucky it just the HV rectifier diodes. Disconnect them from the
transformer and see if it still blows. Another possibility...the
electrolytics either are shorted or need reforming. If pulling diodes off
stops blowing, check them for shorts...if ok, then try bringing up the AC
voltage slowly to let the HV caps reform.
Last...did you check the 115/230 switch?
jeff, wa1hco
----- Original Message -----
From: "David & Wendy Dodds" <gm4wll@talisman41.freeserve.co.uk>
To: <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: [Amps] Transformer help
> Hi!
> I have a commercial 144MHz amp I bought 2nd-hand for fun - it's very
simple stuff - a single QQV06-40. It blows the mains fuse as soon as it's
powered up and, as there are no obvious shorts I assume this means the
transformer is u/s.
> How do I confirm this? There is a very small resistance, a few Ohms on the
primary, but I've no idea what it should read.
> If it is u/s I take it that's curtains for the amp as it's an old design
and I doubt if I can source a replacement transformer of the correct
dimensions to fit the case. Can old trannies be rewound or is that crazy
> 73 es tnx
> de David GM4WLL
> Please reply to:
> gm4wll@talisman41.freeserve.co.uk (Wendy)
> gm4wll@qsl.net (David)
> See our web-site: www.qsl.net/gm4wll
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