[Amps] How light can you make a 500W amplifier?

DF3KV@aol.com DF3KV@aol.com
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 17:20:45 EDT

Science, not folklore.

Good signal processing is not just straight clipping though.
It's usually a combination of compression and clipping.
Sometimes expansion is applied(to boost the weaker
voice components) as well.

The techniques are commonly used in broadcast audio
to increase intelligibility and perceived quality. When
quality can take a back seat to intelligibility, as with
communications, the benefit is greater. A 10db increase
in intelligibility (10W PEP with processing having the
same as 100W PEP without) is not difficult and beats
the 500W amp by 3db.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DF3KV@aol.com>

> > 
> > IMHO it is folklore to think RF speech clipping 
> is boosting ones signal like a 500W amp
> 73
> Peter

OK Bob,

I do not mind if you like to believe in that, but you will see
the difference in power or speech processing as soon as you join
a pileup...
By the way, 3db above a 500W amp is 1KW!


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