[Amps] 4-400A Anode Voltage???
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 20:57:48 -0700
I have heard of 5kV for SSB only using g-g config. However, tuning up
with pulses or dits is probably not a bad idea. Also, more anode-V
yields more gain. This is both good and not good, so one should take
appropriate measures to avoid fireworks.
>Wondering, if anyone has ever exceeded 4KV on a 4-400.
> My present junkbox stock of plate transformers puts
>me at either below 3200 or at 4500-4600 volts.
>Curious as to how the tube would operate above it's
>rated maximum.
>FWIW: I planned to run the tubes with regulated screen
>& bias supplies.... 500 or so volts on the screen.
>Many thanks
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