[Amps] AL-1500
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 17:16:55 -0700
José -- My guess is that the meter was damaged by something that also did
other damage. Are there 3A glitch diodes across the meter movement? Does
the AL-1500 have a VHF parasitic suppressor in the anode/plate circuit?
What was the meter reading before the problem occurred? Do you have
access to a high-potential tester?
- I think you are right about Señor Murphy.
>Switching my Ameritron AL-1500 amp. this morning
>I noticed I had no HV (High Voltage) indication,
>spite the amplifier seems to turns on OK.
>But indeed it doesn't works at all.
>When I drive it with 5 watt from the radio the
>current indication is too high but no power out at all.
>With more than 5 watt the linear trips imediatelly.
>And thinking that yesterday it was working just fine !!!
>If any of you has any idea of what might be causing this
>or had a similar problem I thank you if you e-mail me.
>Jose CT1EEB
>Note: And thinking that I was getting ready for CQWW
>in 160m. (single-band), this is murphy at its best.
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- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.