[Amps] Why do people post to individual and AMPS ?
S. J. Blackwell
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:07:14 +0000
Freud, like Marx, were both interesting. The fact that they were both wrong
seems not to bother many in academia; however most, but not all, seem to
agree about Hitler.
Best wishes,
Sam, W5LU
>there are some peculiar things going on behind the scenes with some of
>the censors that pretty much confirm what Sigmund Freud wrote in three
>essays published in 1908 in _Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag_
>(a psychiatry magazine). [These essays were later made into a 56-page
>book published by W. W. Norton, Co.] Freud's biographer, Ernest Jones,
>said that these essays brought down more odium on Freud than anything
>else he ever wrote. Curiously, Hitler hated Freud so much that he
>remained on Hitler's must-gas list for two years after Freud's death in
>- Thus, sending a reply copy direct serves as a backup -- just in case.
>cheers, David
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