[Amps] SELL: Yaesu FC902 Wattmeter/SWR Bridge

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Sat, 31 Aug 2002 19:21:05 -0400

SELL: Near mint Yaesu FC902 dual meter 500W antenna tuner/SWR
bridge/wattmeter. Features an 11 position front panel switch for 10, 15,
20,40,80M bands plus 12,17,30M, and 160mHIGH and and 160m LOW + Direct. 
Reads SWR on one meter in two power ranges (25 & 250/500W).  A 3 position
selector switch for 25W, 250W and 500W  reads power on the second meter.
A front panel 4 position switch selects either of 3 coax antennas or a
balanced line. The unit operates flawlessly. Pristine inside exterior has
one top panel ding otherwise in perfect condition. Truly a high quality
unit.  $250+ shipping/insurance/tracking Ron W2CQM/3