[Amps] Re:

Doug Hall doug at nc.rr.com
Thu Apr 10 20:41:00 EDT 2003

Is it possible that your transceiver is overshooting on key down? Many 
transceivers will briefly put out 100w or more for a short period of 
time even when the power level is turned down.
Doug, K4DSP

On Thursday, April 10, 2003, at 04:08 PM, Lynn wrote:

> The problem with the power supply occurs with   a power output of
> around 500 watts.... i.e. less than 600 ma total current ( its a big 
> tube
> with about 20 watts drive)  3cpx5000.
> I am using a full wave rectifier with a center tapped  secondary.  50 
> uf
> of
> capacitance.   The power supply can provide the current and voltage if 
> it
> is turned up slowly.    The issue here is the instant current draw from
> the cw signal.
> thanks
> Lynn   NO9Z
> Merv Schweigert wrote:
>>>   I have almost completed a nice  5000 v   2amp supply using a large
>>> Wilcox transformer with a capacitive filter.   50uf at 7kv.
>> How much current are you drawing under load ??  5000 v at 2 amps
>> (if your drawing that much) is 10KW and a 25 amp breaker is way
>> to small.  If your drawing 1 amp its still too small a breaker..
>> Merv
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