April 2003 Archives by subject
Starting: Tue Apr 1 05:46:02 EST 2003
Ending: Wed Apr 30 23:33:07 EST 2003
Messages: 240
- [Amps]
jeff millar
- [Amps] 3CPX1500A7 vs 3CX1500A7
- [Amps] 3CPX1500A7 vs 3CX1500A7
- [Amps] 3CX1500/3CPX1500
- [Amps] 3CX1500/3CPX1500
- [Amps] 3CX1500/3CPX1500
Anthony R. Gold
- [Amps] 4-1000 chimney
W0UN--John Brosnahan
- [Amps] 4-1000A Transmitting tube
Jim Isbell
- [Amps] 4-1000A Transmitting tube
Radio WC6W
- [Amps] 4pr1000 heater voltage?
- [Amps] 4pr1000 heater voltage?
- [Amps] 4pr1000 heater voltage?
- [Amps] 4pr1000 heater voltage?
- [Amps] 572B Tech bulletins
Pat Barthelow
- [Amps] 572B Tech bulletins Corrected URL;Cause
Pat Barthelow
- [Amps] 572B tubes replacements for 811A's
Paul Carr
- [Amps] 572B tubes replacements for 811A's
Vic Rosenthal
- [Amps] 572B tubes replacements for 811A's
- [Amps] 6M 8171
Barrie Smith
- [Amps] 6M 8171
- [Amps] 6M 8171
Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. (Hons) G8TIC
- [Amps] 6M 8171
w2fca at cs.com
- [Amps] 6M 8171
DF3KV at aol.com
- [Amps] 6M 8171
Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. (Hons) G8TIC
- [Amps] 6M 8171
Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX
- [Amps] 6M 8171
- [Amps] Addition to FL2100z problem
Osten B Magnusson
- [Amps] AEA Iso-Loop
Alek Petkovic
- [Amps] amps
carl seyersdahl
- [Amps] Anyone built a 2m GI7b "Lazy Builder" amplifier?
Einar Persson
- [Amps] Audio Connector for Valiant, Ranger, etc.
Mike Wapner
- [Amps] B&W 850A Plate Tank
Parker, John
- [Amps] Capacitor checker
peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com
- [Amps] Central Electronics 600L
RFlabnotes at aol.com
- [Amps] Central Electronics 600L
Gary Schafer
- [Amps] Central Electronics 600L
Dave Bowker
- [Amps] Central Electronics 600L
Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL
- [Amps] Changes to this Reflector
Bill Fisher, W4AN
- [Amps] Checking 12by7
K6KWQ at aol.com
- [Amps] Checking 12by7
- [Amps] Checking 12by7
- [Amps] Codan 1kW HF Power Supply
Glenn McNeil
- [Amps] Coil dimension
- [Amps] Coil dimension
dxare at brevet.nu
- [Amps] Coil dimension
Mark Marsden
- [Amps] Coil dimension
Henry L. Davis JR.
- [Amps] cord strain relief information
skipp isaham
- [Amps] cord strain relief information
peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com
- [Amps] D-104 (amplified) Schematic
Mike Wapner
- [Amps] D-104 (amplified) Schematic
Paul Christensen, Esq.
- [Amps] D-104 (amplified) Schematic
Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL
- [Amps] D-104 (amplified) Schematic
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- [Amps] D-104 (amplified) Schematic
Jay Musikar
- [Amps] Dentron DTR2000L
Osten B Magnusson
- [Amps] Derating factor for photoflash capacitors
Alan Ibbetson
- [Amps] Derating factor for photoflash capacitors
Ian White, G3SEK
- [Amps] Doorknob Caps
Bob Maser
- [Amps] eBay items
Bob Maser
- [Amps] F.S. GU84B, GU74B, GI7B, GS31B....
- [Amps] FL 2100 Fix via Svetlana Tech note
Pat Barthelow
- [Amps] FL2100Z showing Ip in standby
kd4lyh at bellsouth.net
- [Amps] FL2100Z showing Ip in standby
Osten B Magnusson
- [Amps] Follow up: Unknown 2m 2x4cx250b design?
Einar Persson
- [Amps] for sale: new GS35B / GU74B
Oliver Reinders, DL1EJA
- [Amps] for sale: new GS35B / GU74B
Marc Wullaert ON4MA
- [Amps] FS : YL1056 microwave tube
DF3KV at aol.com
- [Amps] FS : YL1056 microwave tube
- [Amps] FS QRO stuff and more to come
Bill Fuqua
- [Amps] FS: 14V 2amp Filament Transformer
Blake Meinecke
- [Amps] FS: Ten-Tec CENTAUR Model 411 HF Linear Amplifier
- [Amps] Fw: [TowerTalk] baloon supported wire verticals
- [Amps] G3SEK Triode Control Board
Bob Maser
- [Amps] G3SEK Triode Control Board
Bob Maser
- [Amps] G3SEK Triode Control Board
Ian White, G3SEK
- [Amps] G3SEK Triode Control Board
Ian White, G3SEK
- [Amps] Gonset 201 Mark IV Amplifier
Bill Smith
- [Amps] Grid grounding material?
Ron Trepka
- [Amps] Grid grounding material?
paule at sfu.ca
- [Amps] Grid Holes; 572Bs
Pat Barthelow
- [Amps] GS35B Bias
Ed Stallman
- [Amps] GS35B Bias
Ian White, G3SEK
- [Amps] Heatkit hl-2200 questions
- [Amps] Heatkit hl-2200 questions
- [Amps] Help Alpha 77-DX
Terry Gaiser
- [Amps] Help Alpha 77-DX
- [Amps] Help Alpha 77-DX
- [Amps] Help needed on Firebird Swinger F100-4-BIL Amp
Rick Cole VK3YM
- [Amps] HL-2200 conversion to 10m
Tsachy L
- [Amps] IC-746 + ARB-704 + QSK-5 + AL-82
Rene Correa
- [Amps] LK-800 VACUM RELAY
- [Amps] LK-800 VACUM RELAY
Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL
- [Amps] looking for an amp
Thomas Hix
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
Dan Evans K9ZF
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
Steve Katz
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
Dan Evans
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
RFlabnotes at aol.com
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
- [Amps] modern 811 designs?
K6KWQ at aol.com
- [Amps] NCL 2000
Merv Schweigert
- [Amps] NCL 2000
Steve Katz
- [Amps] NCL 2000
Steve Katz
- [Amps] NCL 2000
- [Amps] NCL 2000
W0YR at aol.com
- [Amps] NCL 2000
Gary Schafer
- [Amps] NCL 2000
Dennis12Amplify at aol.com
- [Amps] need 4cx1500b / 4cx1000a diagram
Felipe Ceglia
- [Amps] need 4cx1500b / 4cx1000a diagram
Mark Marsden
- [Amps] need 4cx1500b / 4cx1000a diagram
Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. (Hons) G8TIC
- [Amps] need 4cx1500b / 4cx1000a diagram
skipp isaham
- [Amps] Need help Yaesu FL2100Z
Osten B Magnusson
- [Amps] Need help Yaesu FL2100Z
Peter Frenning, OZ1PIF
- [Amps] Need help Yaesu FL2100Z
S. J. Blackwell
- [Amps] Need help Yaesu FL2100Z
Osten B Magnusson
- [Amps] Need help Yaesu FL2100Z
Osten B Magnusson
- [Amps] Need help Yaesu FL2100Z
Peter Frenning, OZ1PIF
- [Amps] Newbie RF amp construction question
Don Putnick
- [Amps] Newbie RF amp construction question
Steve Katz
- [Amps] PHIL--- K5PC
Terry Gaiser
- [Amps] Plate Chokes
G. Clute
- [Amps] Plate Chokes
- [Amps] Plate Chokes
Mike Sawyer
- [Amps] power cord strain relief recommendations?
paule at sfu.ca
- [Amps] power cord strain relief recommendations?
- [Amps] power cord strain relief recommendations?
Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX
- [Amps] Power Supply Project - part 3 - fixed
- [Amps] PS project
Merv Schweigert
- [Amps] PS project
- [Amps] PS project
Dudley Hurry
- [Amps] PS project
Bill Coleman N2BC
- [Amps] PS project
- [Amps] QEX article needed
Bill Coleman N2BC
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
Phil Clements
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
RFlabnotes at aol.com
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
RFlabnotes at aol.com
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
RFlabnotes at aol.com
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
Doug Hall
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
Phil Clements
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
Phil Clements
- [Amps] QRO Balun?
Michael Tope
- [Amps] QRO HF-2500DX
- [Amps] QRO HF-2500DX
Bill Russell
- [Amps] QRO HF-2500DX
Phil Clements
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Gary Schafer
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Wt8r at aol.com
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Jeffrey Madore
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
George & Marijke Guerin
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Gary Schafer
- [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- [Amps] Ranger driving Thunderbolt
Ron Samchuk
- [Amps] Ranger driving Thunderbolt
Joe Giacobello
- [Amps] RARC Simplex Net
kd4lyh at bellsouth.net
- [Amps] Re:
- [Amps] Re:
Bill Coleman N2BC
- [Amps] Re:
Doug Hall
- [Amps] Re:
K6KWQ at aol.com
- [Amps] Re:
- [Amps] Re:
Joe Isabella
- [Amps] Re: Amps Digest, Vol 4, Issue 5
Wo2e at aol.com
- [Amps] Re: Amps Digest, Vol 4, Issue 5
Vic Rosenthal
- [Amps] Re: Amps Digest, Vol 4, Issue 5
Ku4uk at aol.com
- [Amps] re: Central Electronics 600L
skipp isaham
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
Jeffrey Madore
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
Pat Barthelow
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
Jeffrey Madore
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com
- [Amps] Re: PS project part2
Ian White, G3SEK
- [Amps] Re:Heatkit hl-2200 questions
- [Amps] Replacing relay fl-2100z
- [Amps] rotary switch
carl seyersdahl
- [Amps] SB-200 HV meter problem
- [Amps] SB-200 HV meter problem
George & Marijke Guerin
- [Amps] SB-200 HV meter problem
Samuel Ramac
- [Amps] SB-200 Question
Samuel Ramac
- [Amps] SB-200 Question
George & Marijke Guerin
- [Amps] SB-200 Question
Samuel Ramac
- [Amps] SB-220 C-21 question
paule at sfu.ca
- [Amps] SB-220 C-21 question
- [Amps] SB-220 - Plate Voltage and Plate current
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- [Amps] SB-220 - Plate Voltage and Plate current
- [Amps] SB-220 improved efficiency in CW?
paule at sfu.ca
- [Amps] SB-220 improved efficiency in CW?
- [Amps] SB-220 improved efficiency in CW?
- [Amps] SB-220 paint
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- [Amps] SB-220 paint
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- [Amps] SB220 - Voltage Doubler circuit headroom?
Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
- [Amps] SB220 - Voltage Doubler circuit headroom?
- [Amps] SB220 Bandswitch
- [Amps] Schematic for ICOM SM-8 mic
Bert Almemo
- [Amps] SELL: Drake L4B/8877 2KW Retrofit Amplifier
Ronald Lumachi
- [Amps] SELL: OEM Drake L4B Amp Deck Components
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] SELL: OEM Drake L4B Amp Deck Components
George Halpin
- [Amps] SELL: OEM Drake L4B Amp Deck Components
G. Clute
- [Amps] SELL: OEM Drake L4B Amp Deck Components
Dudley Hurry
- [Amps] SGC SG-500 low output 21 mhz
john, ke5c
- [Amps] SGC SG-500 low output 21 mhz
Vic Rosenthal
- [Amps] Socket pin needed
Merv Schweigert
- [Amps] T'bolt
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] T'bolt
Bill Fuqua
- [Amps] Testing 3CX800s?
Floyd Sense
- [Amps] Testing 3CX800s?
- [Amps] TL-922 10 meter conversion
- [Amps] TL-922 10 meter conversion
- [Amps] TL-922 10 meter conversion
- [Amps] tubes
- [Amps] tubes
carl seyersdahl
- [Amps] tubes
Gary Schafer
- [Amps] Vacuum Switch FS
Marv Gonsior
- [Amps] VHF Amp
Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX
- [Amps] voltage doubler for 3 phase supply?
DF3KV at aol.com
- [Amps] voltage doubler for 3 phase supply?
Oliver Reinders, DL1EJA
- [Amps] voltage doubler for 3 phase supply?
- [Amps] Wanted YL1052
DF3KV at aol.com
- [Amps] Wanted YL1052
- [Amps] WANTED: 5V @ 10 amps filament xmfr
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] WANTED: Ameritron AL 82/1200/1500
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] WANTED: Diamond SX100 3KW Wattmeter
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] Westinghouse WL-5736
Alan Gray
- [Amps] WTB or WTT Mounting Hardware to mount 4-1000A
Jim Isbell
- [Amps] yl-1050/1052?
- Fw: [Amps] Doorknob Caps
Bob Maser
- Fw: [Amps] FL2100Z showing Ip in standby
Nermin BajramoviƦ
- Fw: [Amps] FL2100Z showing Ip in standby
Osten B Magnusson
- Fw: [Amps] FL2100Z showing Ip in standby
Osten B Magnusson
- Fw: [Amps] modern 811 designs?
skipp isaham
- Fw: [Amps] modern 811 designs?
- Fw: [Amps] Question about ampifiers
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- Fw: Re: Fw: [Amps] modern 811 designs?
skipp isaham
Last message date:
Wed Apr 30 23:33:07 EST 2003
Archived on: Thu May 1 08:51:49 EST 2003
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).