[Amps] Re: PS project part2

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 11 13:00:29 EDT 2003

Is it possible or likely that a circuit breaker's mechanical motion 
mechanism can lose reliability due to non-use?  I think of my home breakers, 
and until a couple of years ago, most of them might have not been tripped 
for decades.  Could corrosion, dust, dirt, old lubrication, etc, combine to 
cause the breaker to 'stick' at a time when it should trip?  Would cycling 
them, say yearly, at least, enhance reliability?
Pat, aa6eg at hotmail.com

Jeffery Wrote:

From: "Jeffrey Madore" <K1LE at arrl.net>


>You might want to take a look at the circuit breaker to determine that it 
>is functioning properly.  (snip)

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